Money and relationships are connected…

Money and relationships are connected…
Client 1 – was happily married but spending NO time with her husband and could never break her upper limit…
She put her relationship FIRST and started making $45k per month
Client 2 – Single man just lost $30k in his business (he KNEW he should have hired me before this happened but didn’t trust himself, btw)… We worked on his relationship WITH HIMSELF… He GOT the $30,000 BACK AND started a new business venture that was happier in.
Client 3 – Married woman unhappy in her marriage and wanting to leave…She wanted to start her business and speak her message but her relationship was making her feel small. We got her business started. She’s speaking her message. AND she’s happy and feeling safe in her marriage for the first time in years.

Basically, you cannot SELF-NEGLECT. Your heart will not allow it – at least not for long.

Yes, I self-neglected in my marriage. I didn’t believe I could get the love I wanted because I was stuck with a man that had cheated on me and he would not have sex with me or spend time with me. Wtf. So I had to do without. (For those of you who are coaches, yes, I know NOW, but these were my thoughts back then)

You’ve got to fix your shit.
You don’t have time for this bullshit. If you are serious about your mission in this world or your business…
If you are serious about getting the life you want…
If you want to FEEL fucking amazing…

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You can either spend 20 years like I did, trying to figure it out on your own and eventually realizing that… it’s not working (maybe I’m slow because it DID take 20 years of my trying to figure that out!)…
And THEN get help…
You can fix your shit NOW…
I really can’t believe we are investing $50,000 or whatever in college educations, $10,000 in a wedding ring, $20,000 in a wedding… not to mention everyone in Austin drives a Tesla… But when it comes to personal investing… We hold off…
I’m saying this because MONEY IS SO FUCKING ABUNDANT…
And if you have 2 things: money and time…
Money ALWAYS replenishes itself.
I can’t get back my 20 years, so I tell my story so you don’t spend your 20 years doing what I did.

I have 4 spots for private 1-1 coaching for the next 4 months. Weekly calls, 24/7 Voxer access (voice messaging), access to my past course, Life-Changing, and anything I launch in the next 4 months.
We work on your business, your mindset, your strategy, your messaging, your PRICING, focus, procrastination, work-life balance,
You go from constantly busy, overworked, not making enough, to breaking through your upper limits and being able to shut off work every night so you can have a relationship and enjoy your life…
From always running numbers in your head, trying to figure out how to get more clients when you have no time, to having time and money flow…
Your relationship with yourself changes… You start getting what you want and what you need…
Your relationship changes…
You stop feeling depleted in your relationship and start feeling connected, excited and safe…
You stop feeling like ‘you can never do enough’ to feeling loved and respected… on top of the world…
If you are DONE with the problem and you know you have the power to create what you want, and you are ready for the guidance to heal, find your blocks, remove your limiting beliefs, create a strong powerful relationship with yourself, finally be open to receiving love and call in your soulmate…
You need to schedule a time to talk to me. Click the link, schedule a time, and fill out the few questions.

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If you are numb, you are in PAIN

If you are numb, you are in PAIN.
If you aren’t excited about your business and those big wins… You are in PAIN

Honestly, it’s been 20 years since I felt this amazing-in-love-ness…
I had forgotten what being IN LOVE feels like…

But… before…
I kept getting into great relationships with great men that never worked out…

Being able to love them, yes…

But always wondering, “is this it?”

But… now I’ve done so much work to heal and now I am allowing myself to FEEL again…
And allowing myself to have my desires… (I def desire HIM!)…
And knowing I’m safe to be loved, seen, and honored for the queen that I am…


I don’t wonder if this is going to work… (and guys, I know relationships are hard – I’ve LIVED this stuff)

I know I am whole and don’t need a relationship,
but I also know I cannot say no to my desires… because saying no to your desires in one area of your life – will keep you from what you want in your:
With your money
With your message
With your mission and purpose work

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We put relationships last because WE DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO THEM…
We think we can’t control the other person…
We’ve been hurt…
We are going to be smarter than everyone and NOT get into a relationship…
Bad relationships or not having a relationship – these are painful…
So painful, in fact, we NUMB ourselves and stay busy in work…
But what happens is… we can’t perform at work…

Or maybe we can and we are kicking ass…
But you know what?

You don’t FELL your successes.
You don’t feel like celebrating…
You don’t get excited…
And eventually…
You lose your drive, motivation, and desire for your work.

There are several ways to turn this around…
But they all require you to go to your heart…
Heal what you think wasn’t a big deal…
Heal that thing from 15 years ago that you didn’t think was trauma…
Look at what your heart wants…
Start saying yes to your desires…

Most of my clients come to me wanting to make more money – they lost their drive, motivation, whatever… We work on their business and turn that shit around, but it cannot be fixed in isolation. Money and relationships are connected. After 1-2 calls we start talking about their relationship…

Here’s the thing.
You can have the relationship you desire – not the safe comfortable one… The one that just fucking lights you up! And you can be completely confident in that relationship.
And it’s not easy and it does take work, but it’s so much EASIER with someone who has been there and done that. Like sooooo easy.

❤️Do you know what it’s like to feel so loved, safe and secure with your lover that you never question it? ❤️They support your mission to build your empire…
❤️They support your bodybuilding dreams…
❤️They just fucking believe in you and support you…

Right now I have 4 spots open for working with me 1-1 for the next 4 months.
If you are DONE with the problem and you know you have the power to create what you want, and you are ready for the guidance to heal, find your blocks, remove your limiting beliefs, create a strong powerful relationship with yourself, finally be open to receiving love and call in your soulmate…
You need to schedule a time to talk to me. Click the link, schedule a time, and fill out the few questions.


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Really the work that I do is around you as a leader, creator, messenger, influencer and getting what your heart and soul wants…

Really the work that I do is around you as a leader, creator, messenger, influencer and getting what your heart and soul wants…
Because at the end of the day, if we aren’t happy in our personal lives, we cannot show up and be seen and heard globally.

Which means if you are not getting laid at home, it’s a problem.
Seriously, we are self-sacrificing so much for our mission and our purpose work because somehow we have decided this is the compromise we need to make in order to do our calling…

Look, I don’t care what work you are doing in the world, your soul will not put up with being neglected…
It’s going to show up in your health…
It’s going to show up in your money… You won’t be making the kind of money you KNOW you could be making…
It’s going to show up in your purpose work…
I know we all think we can handle it and go a bit longer…
and while we technically can, it’s going to ultimately hurt us.

We can make a much bigger impact if we make sure we are getting what we want and need in our relationship…
We can reach more people if we make sure we are taking care of our health…
We can go global if we make sure we are having fun and enjoying the process…

And yet…
We are resistant to these because we want to do our purpose work and we ARE so driven to do it, but it just leads to burn out. And self-sabotage.

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I have 4 open spots for 1-1 coaching over the next 4 months…
If you are ready to take your business to the next level…
Fix those fluctuating money/no money issues…
Show up as the leader you know you were meant to be…
Start getting what your heart wants in your personal life,
Feeling loved, and connected to your partner…
Feeling heard and validated in your relationship…
Being able to trust your partner – and healing past wounds to be able to trust…
Getting that love, passion, and intimacy you are craving…
And being seen and heard by your lover…
And ultimately getting what your heart wants…

Because everything leads back to the relationship with yourself and when you start getting what you want, you are able to create and build the empire you were called to…
Not only to help you through all the relationship stuff of mindset, healing, breaking through blocks… but also to support you in your business (because I cannot stress enough how your relationship stuff BLOCKS MONEY!)
If this is you click on the link and set an appointment to talk. The work we do together will change your life forever in so many good ways!


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If you haven’t heard, I’ve manifested my future husband…

If you haven’t heard, I’ve called in my future husband…
And maybe that’s not ‘surprising’ but everything about it IS…

See I stopped believing in marriage since 7 months before I got married in 2001 and I never thought I would get married after my divorce in 08.

And after my ex-boyfriend and I split I’ve been doing the work to stop having my relationship problems follow me.

Problems like…

  • Not feeling loved…
  • Not being seen and heard…
  • Not having someone show up for me…
  • Having fears in the relationship and always needing constant validation…
  • Being very needy and in control…
  • Fighting over not spending time together…
  • Feeling domesticated… (ok, maybe that one is just me!)
  • Not feeling certain or secure in the relationship…
  • Feeling like I always had to work for getting what I wanted and then always feeling like I was giving more than I was receiving…
  • Feeling like I wasn’t good enough…
  • Fucking sleeping alone most nights…
  • Being angry that he kept choosing work over me… even though he was doing it ‘for us’…
  • Not getting laid…
  • Wondering where our relationship was going…
  • Feeling like this was more of a partnership than a relationship…
  • Feeling insecure about my body…
  • Being triggered by engagements, weddings, and happy couple Insta-pics…
  • And craving intimacy…

So I did the work…

    • Went to counseling…
    • Learned how to be single again…
    • Learned how to fully love and accept myself…
    • Healed from the emotional trauma I went through in my 20s with my ex cheating…
    • Found and eradicated my love blocks…
    • Found the limiting beliefs that were keeping me from love…

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And then…
I was honest with myself that I was in love with this guy I was also energetically blocking (but never knew I was energetically blocking)…
And then decided that I wanted to marry this guy, which was scary and exciting and never would have happened had I not healed and done all of the work above.
And I’ve never been more certain about a relationship I’ve been in.

Now, this “instant” manifestation doesn’t happen this way for everyone… (well, it did and it didn’t happen for me instantly. I guess I’ll put that in a book.)
But I’ve worked with single clients who needed to go through these steps because they were blocking love…
And I’ve worked with married (Well I only actually work with one person in the relationship) couples who needed to go through these steps because there was an energetic block in the relationship…
I don’t care where you are in your relationship status, if you are not getting what you want, you are blocked…
If you are single and you don’t want to be or if you are thinking about divorce because you aren’t getting what you want….
And if you are not happy at home – Your work, your business, your money will all suffer…

Right now I have 4 spots to work with me privately 1-1,
Weekly calls and 24/7 Voxer support over the next 4 months…
Not only to help you through all the relationship stuff of mindset, healing, breaking through blocks… but also to support you in your business (because I cannot stress enough how your relationship stuff BLOCKS MONEY!)
If this is you click on the link and set an appointment to talk. The work we do together will change your life forever in so many good ways!


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When you’ve done “all the things”… and it’s not working

When you’ve done “all the things”…
There are so many people out there quoting quotes and regurgitating personal development thoughts ideas and concepts and this isn’t to knock them or to say their journey into personal development isn’t valid or anything like that because everyone is at the level they are at and I know they are helping the people they are meant to help and they are doing a kick-ass job too.

And they are on the journey they are on and they are exactly where they are supposed to be. Mad respect.

But this is about you, my reader and your journey. Because maybe you haven’t gotten the results you think you should have by now. Maybe you don’t feel like anyone can help you because you have been through trauma and you’ve done the work.

And ‘it’s still not working.’
You can’t seem to figure it out yet.

Here’s the thing…
There’s a difference between saying that you believe and actually believing. There’s a difference between having all the answers and being able to apply and LIVE the answers.
There’s a difference between knowing how to start the fire…

There are layers.
?I went through trauma in my 20s…
?My dad left the family and my mom died from cancer (relationship, abandonment issue)…
?My now ex-husband cheated on me…
?I stopped believing in marriage… (does anyone believe anymore?)
?I felt abandoned in my marriage
?I was always looking over my shoulder…
?Trying to ‘be a good wife’
?Trying to ‘supportive’ and ‘understanding’
?All the while getting trampled on and overlooked…
?Not getting what I needed in the relationship…
?Giving, giving, giving…
?And never getting enough to feel fulfilled…
?Feeling like I had to stay busy because I hated the feeling of not being loved… and I couldn’t sit still or I would feel that…
?Feeling like I was never fucking good enough…
?Hearing his little comments…”WE’VE really gained weight” – when I walked across the room naked… Knowing full fucking well that he meant I’VE gained weight… (Asshole)…
?Having to always ‘be nice’ and not talk about my feelings…
?Not being allowed to talk about my pain…
?Pretending like we were perfect… when I just felt like a trophy wife…
?Suppressing the way I felt…
?Suppressing what I wanted…
?Suppressing my needs, desires, and wants…
?And having ‘anxiety’ for ‘no reason’…
?Feeling like something was wrong with me…

I wonder why I got a divorce… Quit my job, sold my car and hour later, and the next day left on a one-way ticket to Spain….


?But then I watched as the problems followed me from relationship to relationship… (And I made smart choices with the next partners!!!)

So then I decided I was DONE with that shit and I thought,
?”I’m going to eradicate this problem”
?And I got counseling with my exbf for 7 months…
?I learned to be a single woman again…
?I healed from my past trauma…
?I worked through my limiting beliefs…
?And I figured out who I was and want my soul wanted…
?And then I wrote one line in my journal declaring I wanted to marry this guy…
?I visualized for 3 days…
?And within 5 minutes of seeing him again, we were together.

Here’s the thing.
Love is available to you NOW…(I don’t care if you are single or in a relationship)
You have to work through the levels to figure out what’s blocking you from it…
But once you do…
It happens.


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If you are not taking the action to figure out WHY you are blocked and HOW to remove those blocks – you are telling yourself it’s not possible and that you WANT to stay unavailable to love.

You are suppressing your soul.
And that’s going to piss you off… (this is why you are getting angry at weird little random shit when you aren’t an angry person)

Right now I have 4 spots open for PRIVATE 1-1 coaching for the next 4 months. Weekly call and 24/7 voxer support.

NO ONE teaching what I teach on the level I teach it. Because I’ve walked through the fire, I’ve been where you are. I know what has to happen for you to manifest your desires. I can see what’s stopping you from the relationship, the love, the passion you want. I know the action you need to take to get what you want….
If this is speaking to you, you know if you need to sign up with me or not. It’s time to back yourself. How long have you been stuck? If you are like me, I was 40. How long do you want to stay where you are? – because that’s what’s going to happen.
Love happens when you love yourself enough to do the work. It’s okay to love yourself. It’s safe to love yourself. It’s safe to be in a loving relationship. (I didn’t use to think that)
If you want what you say you want, you’ve got to do what it takes. That’s it. That’s the end.

Click the link, book a time to talk and fill out the short application.

Ps. Most people have been following me for a while and hire me through messenger or by calling me after a Facebook live and just submitting their first payment, but the application is there just so we can get on the same page if we’ve never talked. 🙂
Click the link, book a time to talk and fill out the short application.


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If you don’t have the relationship you want, you are blocking it.

If you don’t have the relationship you want, you are blocking it.

Married or single – I don’t care.
And you can HAVE the relationship you want.

Here’s the thing…



Wtf are you talking about Nichole? I want an amazing relationship NOW.

Right. I get that.

So you know I manifested my future husband. And you know all the shit I went through in the last year and a half (ex and I broke up, we went to counseling for 7 months, he left me to go to Germany, I had to figure out single girl life, I did my bodybuilding comp, I had chronic leg pain)…

My future husband? We’ve been friends for 3 years. I fell for him a year ago. I wanted him bad
But there was an energetic block between us…
We ‘could have’ had a relationship…
But it wouldn’t have worked…

Because I needed to change some things.

    • I needed to heal from my past trauma…
    • I needed to work through my abandonment issues…
    • I needed to learn how to trust someone again…
    • I needed to be able to allow myself to believe in love (like for real, guys – enough to claim this shit)…
    • I needed to get to the point where I was so desperate to be DONE with my relationship problems following me that I was going to believe even though it logically seemed impossible – I didn’t care.
    • I was going to believe that I could have love and that I was going to work…
    • No more of this – let’s try it -bullshit…

And it’s not about the person…

It’s about YOU and your commitment to believe in yourself…

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I actually had to reclaim my power that I was in control of what I wanted and…
Everything changed.
I healed my 4 years of chronic pain.
I called in my soulmate. (I’m soooooo in love!!!)
I did it!

We could have gotten together a year ago, but it wouldn’t have worked.
There’s a moment in your growth… when you play in the spiritual realm…

That all the aligned action…
Inside of you…
And you know…
It’s done…

I don’t have to wonder about our future or if it’s going to work…
Because I know who I am and I know that I am in control of what I want…
And I trust that I always make the right decisions for myself…

?Abandonment issues…
?Needing control…
?More fear…
?Feeling like I was never enough…
?Body issues…
?Always trying to be lean and worried about how I look…?Insecure…
?Working so hard in the relationship…
?Feeling depleted…
?Feeling abandoned…
?Feeling annoyed, pissed off, angry…
?Saying, “I don’t ask for much”
?Wondering what was wrong with me…
?Wondering how I could get him to have sex with me… (yes, even my ex-husband)
?Wondering if it was going to work…
?Trying trying trying….
?Feeling guilty for not being good enough…
?Feeling guilty for not being happy…
?Having anxiety…
?Always needing him to text, call, or message me right away…
PS – NEVER thought I was feeling any of this back then.

?Knowing I create what I want…
?Knowing that I control my life because thoughts become things…
?Feeling secure in the relationship… even though we don’t spend that much time together…
?Feeling confident about the relationship…
?Feeling loved even though he’s bad with messaging and calling…
?Feeling like his queen…❤️
?Confident about my body…
?I am so IN LOVE for the first time in 20 years…

❤️Do you know what it’s like to feel so loved, safe and secure with your lover that you never question it?
❤️They support your mission to build your empire…
❤️They support your bodybuilding dreams…
❤️They just fucking believe in you and support you…

Right now I have 4 spots open for working with me 1-1 for the next 4 months.
If you are DONE with the problem and you know you have the power to create what you want, and you are ready for the guidance to heal, find your blocks, remove your limiting beliefs, create a strong powerful relationship with yourself, finally be open to receiving love and call in your soulmate…
You need to schedule a time to talk to me. Click the link, schedule a time, and fill out the few questions.


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When I say manifested my husband it was such a 180 with his behavior…

When I say manifested my husband it was such a 180 with his behavior… That I was totally in shock that it happened that quick.

One week we were chill, friends, whatever… Then I wrote in my journal that I wanted to marry him.

And the very next time I saw him, he was pursuing me hardcore saying he would go with me wherever I moved. (which is totally weird that he said that because I had already manifested that we were going to move to Hawaii And so obviously my jaw dropped when he said that)

After that…
I laid in my hammock for 3 days… Just in shock and enjoying the new life I had created And the new life that I had dreamed up and I knew was coming.
Within two weeks he asked when he could meet my dad… (So obviously who does that?)
And for the last 2 months I knew all the steps that I had taken in the last year and a half that led me up to that point, I knew that I had made that final decision to allow love in, And I knew that I had fully stepped into the dream to be able to manifest it.

Basically, I knew the magic behind it, right?

But for the last 2 months, I’ve been thinking, “I know how he showed up at my door.
But how does HE think he got here?????”
(It was that dramatic of a change that I was perplexed by what he would say to that!)
So I asked him the other day.

And he said he had no idea!

Thoughts become things.


I feel like if I think of the unicorn right now it might show up in my apartment, so I’m really trying hard not to think of a unicorn.

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You can have the relationship you desire – not the safe comfortable one… The one that just fucking lights you up! And you can be completely confident in that relationship.
And it’s not easy and it does take work, but it’s so much EASIER with someone who has been there and done that. Like sooooo easy.

❤️Do you know what it’s like to feel so loved, safe and secure with your lover that you never question it? ❤️They support your mission to build your empire…
❤️They support your bodybuilding dreams…
❤️They just fucking believe in you and support you…

Right now I have 4 spots open for working with me 1-1 for the next 4 months.
If you are DONE with the problem and you know you have the power to create what you want, and you are ready for the guidance to heal, find your blocks, remove your limiting beliefs, create a strong powerful relationship with yourself, finally be open to receiving love and call in your soulmate…

You need to schedule a time to talk to me. Click the link, schedule a time, and fill out the few questions.


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I kept looking at my situation and the things that I cant control and thinking I’m stuck.

“I kept looking at my situation and the things that I cant control and thinking I’m stuck. Nothing I can do.
Well then what’s the point of having dreams??”

I used to believe this.

I think so many people believe this on some level.

And yeah maybe we say we don’t, but there’s always an area of our life that we’re holding ourselves back in… an area that we don’t think we can control… An area where maybe we failed before or our body has failed us or are partner has failed us or a parent of failed us…

And we want so desperately to believe and to move into what we know is truly possible for us…
But because the stuff is so ingrained in us… We do get stuck. We do need help. We do need someone who’s been there and done it to show us that it’s possible…

I used to live my life trying not to trigger people because I was triggered.

  • Hot women triggered me.
  • Great bodies and abs triggered me.
  • Happy marriages triggered me.
  • Money triggered me.
  • Fuck a lot of shit triggered me!

And then I just started being me and stop trying to hide.

And that’s when I got the body the business the relationship all the things… But to do that I had to get to the point where I was going to claim responsibility and ownership of everything that happened in my life whether it was my fault or not.
Because when you stop with the excuses or the reasons or the story…

And you decide that you were going to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to get what you want… Things change.

And yes you still have to break the pattern of pushing and forcing things the way that you want them and learn how to come from heart and step into your power (guys this is where it gets easy).
Until then it doesn’t matter how hard you work or how much you push or how much time effort and energy you throw into your business or whatever… It never is going to work!

The energy you need comes from you connecting to your soul and heart.

You have to work on the spiritual plane of life. Your body can only go so far. If you want what you say you want you have to decide that you are going to take ownership and control of your life and learn how to shift into this connection to your heart and soul!

Then… AND ONLY THEN… Will you get what you want… And what I mean by that is you can have all the things and still not have what you want… This is why people have great success, money, love an end up committing suicide.
Or in depression.
Or living with chronic anxiety.
And maybe you know all this… On the surface level.

But you know that you’re still searching, that there’s still an emptiness inside of you, that in all the things that you have it’s still not hitting the spot.
And if you feel numb…
And if you feel this urgency to hurry up with your life…
If you feel like you have to pack it all in and stay busy… If you feel like you’re running yourself down…

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If you feel like you’re a happy person living an unhappy life…
All these are signs that you’re never going to be happy on the path that you’re on.
All these are signs that you are missing the connection with your heart and soul.
And guys this is why I bought that one-way ticket to Spain 10 years ago.
It wasn’t about running away It was about finding myself.
And yes I know that I didn’t have to do that on paper… But I had to travel because traveling is how I connect my soul. And that’s what I needed at the time.
So maybe for you, it’s leaving a career or leaving a relationship or moving to another state… Or maybe it’s about just connecting to yourself right where you are. But in the end, it’s about saying yes to your desires.

All of your desires.
Your desires were given to you for a reason.
Your desires are safe.
And right now if you’re not living the life that you’ve dreamed of…
If you’re not fully doing and stepping into your purpose…
If you are not making the kind of money that you know you could be making in your business…
If you’re not feeling connected to your heart and your soul every single day so that you are springing out of the bed in the morning with excitement…
If you are not with your soul connection and in the relationship of your dreams…
If you are not happy with your body…
If you are reading this and thinking that you need to figure out what’s wrong so you can tell me what’s wrong because you have no idea what’s wrong…

I get it.

You don’t have to figure it out.
You just have to know that you want your life to be fucking amazing…
That you want to feel like you’re so in love with yourself and the world around you…
That you want to feel tears of joy coming down your face… Because you’re lying next to your lover… And you once that was impossible… (I did this Wednesday with my future husband)…

I know it feels like your life… The one you want is so far away… I know it feels like you have no idea how to make it happen…

I know it feels so painful for you to live the life you’re living every single day not having what you truly want…

And I know that if my message resonates with you that I can help you.

If you want to jump on a call with me to see how we can work together over the next 4 months and what your life can be like… click on the link and schedule a call with me and fill out the questions on the second page.
Your life is going to be so fucking amazing!


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