Category: Relationships

If you are a leader, creator, visionary and you are living your passion…You should be happy…

If you are a leader, creator, visionary and you are living your passion… You should be happy… Um. No. That’s not how it works. So if you are out there thinking this and trying desperately to build your empire, launch your programs, get on stage… I’m gonna say something that may piss you off. It’s […]

Your belief that you can’t find someone because you are successful, is a lie.

Your belief that you can’t find someone because you are successful, is a lie. Oh… you keep having huge income dips… Phases where you struggle to get clients (even though at THIS stage it shouldn’t be happening for you) You hit an upper limit… Money plateaus… And yet… You’ve put having a soulmate relationship on […]

Really the work that I do is around you as a leader, creator, messenger, influencer and getting what your heart and soul wants…

Really the work that I do is around you as a leader, creator, messenger, influencer and getting what your heart and soul wants… Because at the end of the day, if we aren’t happy in our personal lives, we cannot show up and be seen and heard globally. Which means if you are not getting […]

When you’ve done “all the things”… and it’s not working

When you’ve done “all the things”… There are so many people out there quoting quotes and regurgitating personal development thoughts ideas and concepts and this isn’t to knock them or to say their journey into personal development isn’t valid or anything like that because everyone is at the level they are at and I know […]