[NEW PODCAST EPISODE] #35: How I made a quantum leap… And how he went from ‘I don’t want a relationship’ to ‘marry me’ ..

#35: How I made a quantum leap… And how he went from ‘I don’t want a relationship’ to ‘marry me’ ..

Nothing gives you more anxiety than not knowing if your relationship is going to work…

You’ve invested so much and now it doesn’t look like it’s working

And you are wondering why it feels so hard when it’s supposed to be making you happy…

And then going into those thoughts –

Why isn’t this working yet…

What am I missing…

Maybe you aren’t good enough…

You didn’t try hard enough…

You weren’t supportive enough…

Maybe this just wasn’t meant to be…

Maybe love just wasn’t enough…

That sends you into the downward spiral of feeling lost and hopeless.

? May 31st I wrote one line in my journal declaring that I was going to marry this certain man… (I was tired of dating and wanted to KNOW this was it for me)

During the next 3 days, I visualized him proposing to me, marrying me, and living with me…

And within 5 minutes of seeing him the next time, he took a ring I had and jokingly went to one knee and put the ring on my finger.

? He’s asked to meet my dad.

? He’s met my Grams.

? He’s casually said, ‘marry me’ during a conversation. TWICE.

ONE – He is NOT the marrying type.

TWO – I am NOT the marrying type.

THREE – before that day, there was a HARD energetic wall (like a Fort Knox wall) between us and everything told me it was ‘unrealistic’

Listen here->> http://bit.ly/nicholeshow