Category: Happiness

And you lay in bed late at night, unable to sleep… “Why am I STILL not happy?”

There’s a moment… A moment you’ve been waiting for… Where everything starts happening for you and you wanted it so much… and you think that these are the things. Logically it makes sense. Everything you’ve worked for starts to come in! But there’s this feeling… That it’s not quite perfect. It just doesn’t quite feel […]

Finding Happiness

I wish I could tell you it’s easy to ‘find happiness’… I’ve come through so much in the past year an a half and have had success after success, but none of that matters. The guys, the success, my business, the money – nothing. I wish I could tell you that it does. It would […]

Don’t be a sell out

When I entered the coaching business and I felt like everyone was running around trying to get to $10k, $20k, $50k months… I was like… “Fuck that shit. I just want to be happy. Sure I want to make this work… and you’re damn right it WILL but I ain’t going to sell my soul’s […]