Author: Nichole

I found Adderall. It was like magic. I was able to focus and I had energy again until it started killing me.

Only you can save yourself. It’s not about being independent, stubborn, or not trusting anyone to help you, but it’s about taking responsibility for where you are right now and deciding you are going to do whatever it takes to overcome whatever it is you are facing. That doesn’t mean you shun support though. Get […]

When you’ve learned from the last relationship and this time you’ll pick someone ‘safe’…

When you’ve learned from the last relationship and this time you’ll pick someone ‘safe’… You will STILL  Have the Same  Problem. Maybe a slightly different flavor, but you are guaranteed the same problem. Almost 20 years the problem followed me through my marriage, into my next two relationships. Abandonment… Neglect… Feeling alone… Work was more […]

You end a bad relationship and then IN THE NEXT relationship you overcorrect by finding someone safe. THIS doesn’t work. 

You end a bad relationship and then IN THE NEXT relationship you overcorrect by finding someone safe. THIS doesn’t work.  You WILL end up with the same problem.  You know why?  Because you decided out of fear…  And maybe you won’t have that exact problem, but you will feel neglected, alone and abandoned. You will […]