Are You Living in ‘Indecision’?

“I don’t know. I can’t decide.” If these are things you are saying in your life – in your business, please ask yourself:

“What FEAR is keeping me from making this decision?”

IF you chose what you REALLY WANT, would that create uncertainty? Would you be ‘putting yourself out there’? Would you be ‘more likely to fail’?

Keep in mind, you CAN FAIL at something you HATE – a job you hate, a relationship you hate, a business you create that you hate.

Why not put the work into YOUR DREAM?

I’ve gotten laid off from so many SOFTWARE ENGINEERING JOBS. THIS IS A ‘CERTAIN’ FIELD. I hated this work. Why wouldn’t I just do what my heart wanted?

Failure. Failure to follow your heart IS FAILING.

Love yourself. Follow your heart. RESPECT your dreams.