When you’ve done “all the things”… and it’s not working

When you’ve done “all the things”…
There are so many people out there quoting quotes and regurgitating personal development thoughts ideas and concepts and this isn’t to knock them or to say their journey into personal development isn’t valid or anything like that because everyone is at the level they are at and I know they are helping the people they are meant to help and they are doing a kick-ass job too.

And they are on the journey they are on and they are exactly where they are supposed to be. Mad respect.

But this is about you, my reader and your journey. Because maybe you haven’t gotten the results you think you should have by now. Maybe you don’t feel like anyone can help you because you have been through trauma and you’ve done the work.

And ‘it’s still not working.’
You can’t seem to figure it out yet.

Here’s the thing…
There’s a difference between saying that you believe and actually believing. There’s a difference between having all the answers and being able to apply and LIVE the answers.
There’s a difference between knowing how to start the fire…

There are layers.
?I went through trauma in my 20s…
?My dad left the family and my mom died from cancer (relationship, abandonment issue)…
?My now ex-husband cheated on me…
?I stopped believing in marriage… (does anyone believe anymore?)
?I felt abandoned in my marriage
?I was always looking over my shoulder…
?Trying to ‘be a good wife’
?Trying to ‘supportive’ and ‘understanding’
?All the while getting trampled on and overlooked…
?Not getting what I needed in the relationship…
?Giving, giving, giving…
?And never getting enough to feel fulfilled…
?Feeling like I had to stay busy because I hated the feeling of not being loved… and I couldn’t sit still or I would feel that…
?Feeling like I was never fucking good enough…
?Hearing his little comments…”WE’VE really gained weight” – when I walked across the room naked… Knowing full fucking well that he meant I’VE gained weight… (Asshole)…
?Having to always ‘be nice’ and not talk about my feelings…
?Not being allowed to talk about my pain…
?Pretending like we were perfect… when I just felt like a trophy wife…
?Suppressing the way I felt…
?Suppressing what I wanted…
?Suppressing my needs, desires, and wants…
?And having ‘anxiety’ for ‘no reason’…
?Feeling like something was wrong with me…

I wonder why I got a divorce… Quit my job, sold my car and hour later, and the next day left on a one-way ticket to Spain….


?But then I watched as the problems followed me from relationship to relationship… (And I made smart choices with the next partners!!!)

So then I decided I was DONE with that shit and I thought,
?”I’m going to eradicate this problem”
?And I got counseling with my exbf for 7 months…
?I learned to be a single woman again…
?I healed from my past trauma…
?I worked through my limiting beliefs…
?And I figured out who I was and want my soul wanted…
?And then I wrote one line in my journal declaring I wanted to marry this guy…
?I visualized for 3 days…
?And within 5 minutes of seeing him again, we were together.

Here’s the thing.
Love is available to you NOW…(I don’t care if you are single or in a relationship)
You have to work through the levels to figure out what’s blocking you from it…
But once you do…
It happens.


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If you are not taking the action to figure out WHY you are blocked and HOW to remove those blocks – you are telling yourself it’s not possible and that you WANT to stay unavailable to love.

You are suppressing your soul.
And that’s going to piss you off… (this is why you are getting angry at weird little random shit when you aren’t an angry person)

Right now I have 4 spots open for PRIVATE 1-1 coaching for the next 4 months. Weekly call and 24/7 voxer support.

NO ONE teaching what I teach on the level I teach it. Because I’ve walked through the fire, I’ve been where you are. I know what has to happen for you to manifest your desires. I can see what’s stopping you from the relationship, the love, the passion you want. I know the action you need to take to get what you want….
If this is speaking to you, you know if you need to sign up with me or not. It’s time to back yourself. How long have you been stuck? If you are like me, I was 40. How long do you want to stay where you are? – because that’s what’s going to happen.
Love happens when you love yourself enough to do the work. It’s okay to love yourself. It’s safe to love yourself. It’s safe to be in a loving relationship. (I didn’t use to think that)
If you want what you say you want, you’ve got to do what it takes. That’s it. That’s the end.

Click the link, book a time to talk and fill out the short application.

Ps. Most people have been following me for a while and hire me through messenger or by calling me after a Facebook live and just submitting their first payment, but the application is there just so we can get on the same page if we’ve never talked. 🙂
Click the link, book a time to talk and fill out the short application.


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