We are so wrapped up in personal development and ‘finding our blocks’ so we can eradicate them and get the damn thing that we forget we need to heal – which is probably your soul telling you to slow the fuck down and rest.

We are so wrapped up in personal development and ‘finding our blocks’ so we can eradicate them and get the damn thing that we forget we need to heal – which is probably your soul telling you to slow the fuck down and rest.

But you are so wrapped up in fear…

omg… I want babies and I’m only getting older…

omg… it didn’t work out and I’m starting all over at the old age of 34! (pffffttt)

omg… what if I don’t hit my income goal?

omg… what if I say the wrong thing and they leave me…

omg… how do I manifest my soulmate relationship (go watch nichole’s free training – pm me for the link-hahahahaha)

omg… what if…


Ok first of all, with that attitude you are going to scare everyone away and everything you want away so just squeeze yourself into the freezer door for a few minutes and then come back…


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And maybe you DO need healing (most likely) but if you didn’t KNOW this (which you didn’t) you need to get support. Yes, I’m selling you because I can sit here and give you all the free support and all the ah-ha moments through my lives, my posts, my podcast… but ain’t nothing going to change for you. Why? Because money is an energy exchange. As long as you are just consuming information, nothing happens. Once you make a decision, change occurs.


I don’t know if you’ve ever gotten to this point…after you’ve done all the things that you were supposed to do to make the damn thing happen and then it didn’t happen, and you’ve finally realized ohhhhhh…. YOU were stopping YOU. This whole time, you thought it was the clients, the economy, you just didn’t know how, you didn’t have the time, someone backstabbed you… and then all that was cleared out…. and it was just you fighting you.

That’s a very sobering place to be, but it’s also the place where you CAN take action because you know that you have the power to create the reality you want.


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