Category: Business

Adderall was killing me

For those of us who want to get to the next level, we are always looking for that edge to be better, faster, smarter and stronger. Our biggest problem may be that we are doing something we don’t want to be doing in the first place or doing something in a way we don’t want […]

I found Adderall. It was like magic. I was able to focus and I had energy again until it started killing me.

Only you can save yourself. It’s not about being independent, stubborn, or not trusting anyone to help you, but it’s about taking responsibility for where you are right now and deciding you are going to do whatever it takes to overcome whatever it is you are facing. That doesn’t mean you shun support though. Get […]

If you are a leader, creator, visionary and you are living your passion…You should be happy…

If you are a leader, creator, visionary and you are living your passion… You should be happy… Um. No. That’s not how it works. So if you are out there thinking this and trying desperately to build your empire, launch your programs, get on stage… I’m gonna say something that may piss you off. It’s […]

Your belief that you can’t find someone because you are successful, is a lie.

Your belief that you can’t find someone because you are successful, is a lie. Oh… you keep having huge income dips… Phases where you struggle to get clients (even though at THIS stage it shouldn’t be happening for you) You hit an upper limit… Money plateaus… And yet… You’ve put having a soulmate relationship on […]