And you lay in bed late at night, unable to sleep… “Why am I STILL not happy?”

There’s a moment…
A moment you’ve been waiting for…

Where everything starts happening for you and you wanted it so much… and you think that these are the things.
Logically it makes sense.
Everything you’ve worked for starts to come in!

But there’s this feeling… That it’s not quite perfect. It just doesn’t quite feel right. Something’s slightly off.
Looks good.
Feels good.
It’s what you’ve been asking for.
You’ve waited so long.
And you’re so fucking tired of waiting.
That despite this feeling, you fucking take it.
You rip that apple off the tree.
That low hanging fruit.
“I fucking deserve this!”, you scream.
I’ve worked for this!
It’s my time now!

And that’s when it starts.

That little feeling.
It’s a little sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that you attribute to something else.
“Oh no I’m not working enough,” you bury yourself in work.
“Oh no I’m not doing enough.” you run from the voice that’s telling you to stop.
“I’m behind in LIFE!” you proclaim, and turn your back… on that voice… on your voice… you turn your back on yourself.

And you look away, leaving yourself in what you know will slowly kill your soul.

You look away from the thing that that feeling is telling you to look at.
And you ignore it.

You reason with it.
You say, can’t I just stay?
Can’t I just play for a while?
Can’t I just dip… my… toe in?
And you push your intuition down.
And you say no to your souls’ true desires.

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Cuz you’re unwilling to wait.

And really there’s a part of you that thinks it’s not possible.
It’s not possible to get what you want fully.
You have to sacrifice just a little bit of your soul, just a little bit of what you truly desire, so you can get something.
“Life is a compromise,” you say.
“You can always get what you want,” you say.
“I don’t need much,” you say.


But something tells you to walk away from the fruit.
The taste of it now turns bitter in your mouth.
You know. But you keep insisting it was yours.

That feeling turns into headaches.
That feeling turns into anxiety.
That feeling turns into anger and resentment as things slowly fall apart…

As they would…
Because you settled…
Because you didn’t wait…
Because you reached for the low hanging fruit.

Oh, you got yours!
You made sure of it.

But now you wonder why this always happens to you.
You wonder why you keep getting into these dead-end situations.

And you lay in bed late at night, unable to sleep…
“Why am I STILL not happy?”

PS. The problems in your relationship are impacting your business – actually they are tearing apart your business.
Your business is doing well? Really? Guaranteed, you are in trouble.
You are overworking…
Running yourself down,
Avoiding the REAL work,
Not able to confront your partner, your clients, your employees…
And all of this is costing you thousands of dollars a month.

But the real issue – you’re going to lose a hell of a lot more than money… Money is just the thing you see right now. The bigger picture is your relationship – and maybe this one wasn’t supposed to work out, but you CAN HAVE A RELATIONSHIP that excites you.
The bigger picture is a business you LOVE – Totally possible for you.
The bigger picture is your life – time and freedom and feeling ALIVE again.
All of these ‘things’ you are doing isn’t to ‘get stuff’ – it’s because you wanted to FEEL ALIVE.
And the truth is…
You don’t feel alive.
It’s been so long you can’t even remember what it FEELS LIKE TO FEEL ALIVE!

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We keep putting off SEX…

Do you know why you are stuck in your problems?
You are bored.
Do you know why you can’t seem to get out of that relationship?
You are bored.
Do you know why you keep procrastinating on what you need to do to take care of your business, to take care of your health, to take care of yourself?



Life is NOT about achieving.



We are chock holding our money, our businesses, our relationships… because we are NOT living.


We keep putting off SEX…
Because we are so fucking consumed with ‘making it’

And if and when we EVER DO ‘make it’ (because what does making it really mean? no one knows)…
Then we end up burnt out,

dried out from not having sex for decades,

and resenting the world for somehow telling us that once we’ve made it, we’ll be happy…

and we are pissed because we will feel like the world lied to us.


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You just get to a point where you wonder, “Why the fuck am I doing this? It’s not even worth it.”


And then you buy a one-way ticket to Spain. (See my Bio if this confuses you.)


If you are not doing THE THING your soul want,
If you are not doing THE WORK that feeds your soul,
If you are not living in a way that feeds your soul,
Nothing is really going to work for you.
Even if you ‘get to the top’ and ‘get all-the-things’ -eh – won’t matter – you won’t even fucking care.


It took me walking away from the perfect white-picket-life making $200k a year to be homeless before it flipped a switch in me…
Life is about living.

That’s been beaten out of us.

And so we just do whatever the person in front of us is doing.

PS. It’s time to Flip the Switch. Stop living this ZOMBIE life.

You can have the relationship you so desperately want, but keep telling yourself you ‘only need’ this tiny thing. You don’t have to short change yourself and wherever you are in your relationship – THERE IS A WAY TO START GETTING WHAT YOU WANT. NOW.

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Finding Happiness

I wish I could tell you it’s easy to ‘find happiness’…

I’ve come through so much in the past year an a half and have had success after success, but none of that matters.
The guys,
the success,
my business,
the money –
I wish I could tell you that it does.
It would be a lot easier.


“Just get this and you’ll be happy.” I’d say.
But that’s not the truth.

I think we all somehow believe it is and so we make up these arbitrary goals and run furiously after them, running ourselves into the ground and convincing ourselves that “This is it!” only to reach that goal and find ourselves empty.

But everything in our lives is bringing us back to the truth that happiness is found inside ourselves, but there’s a catch.

We aren’t finding the happiness there either because we’ve punished ourselves,

lied to ourselves,

held our heads underwater to try to drown ourselves in toxic relationships, and

run ourselves down for money and possessions all because we are afraid of what other people will think of us.



And because we keep doing this to ourselves…
we don’t trust ourselves.
In fact, we despise ourselves for this.

We hate ourselves more than we hate people who have lied to us,
cheated on us,
and abandoned us.

And the way we deal with our self-loath?

We go back to ask the questions, ‘what else we are missing in our lives?’

What else needs work?

What else can I improve?
Basically, we stay so DAMN busy that we don’t feel the pain of betrayal.

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So no.
We can’t find happiness
in our relationships,
in our business,
in our trophies,
in our bodies, or
in ourselves.

And we get to a point where we look at these things and blame them for letting us down.

And we file for that divorce, quit our business, or binge eat. And this becomes our cycle.


But I can tell you that the heartbreaks, the guys, everything I’ve been through in the last year has led me on a journey of healing, love, and intimacy with myself. I know that a guy won’t be the answer but when I guy doesn’t show up for me, I’m able to be with myself, comfort myself, and cry with myself because I can be vulnerable with myself.


And life isn’t about accomplishments. Life is about learning how to feel alive and the only way to do that is to come back to yourself,

learn to forgive yourself,

start building trust with yourself,

start building a relationship with yourself,

start saying yes to yourself and your desires, and

start putting yourself first.


And all this happens when you decide what you want… what your goals are… what you want to accomplish… and you support yourself in going after these goals.


People talk about mindset, but all mindset is, is loving yourself so fucking much that you back yourself in going after the desires of your heart.

And when things get hard and the world feels dark – and there will be so many times, but when it does… you can reach out and grab your own hand and pull yourself out of that dark hole.


Happiness is found when you go to yourself and create a relationship where you go after the things in the world that excite you and light you up – when you go with yourself.

It’s found in the journey of learning who you are, what you are capable of, what excites you, making plans, comforting yourself during the sad times, forgiving yourself when you’ve really fucked up, loving yourself despite the unmentionable things you’ve done, and always backing yourself.

That’s where happiness is found.

And no, you won’t always be happy, but what’s deeper is creating a world that supports your happiness and always being there for yourself.

That’s what creates happiness even on the days you end up crying.

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Don’t be a sell out

When I entered the coaching business and I felt like everyone was running around trying to get to $10k, $20k, $50k months…

I was like…

“Fuck that shit. I just want to be happy. Sure I want to make this work… and you’re damn right it WILL but I ain’t going to sell my soul’s happiness for a number in my bank account.”


I’ve done that…

It doesn’t work…

And my body won’t actually LET me… {I’d like to send a thank you to Procrastination, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Resentment…)


I’m not saying everyone is selling their soul for a $50k month. That’s ridiculous.


And I’m not saying I don’t want to be rich and have all the good things in my life. That’s ridiculous.


But when I was a software engineer, my primary question was, “How do I make money and be secure?” Instead of “what do I love to do and how can I give back?”


And when we come from the “what can I do to make money?” it creates fear in us that either we don’t already have enough, or we aren’t enough or we have to something that we don’t want to do for money…

And then we set our ladder against the wall and start to climb.


And if we are doing something because of fear…
trying to look like we have it all together,
trying to FINALLY get our dad’s approval,
trying to FINALLY get recognition because our brother was always the successful one,
trying to prove that we are good enough to have all-the-things…
trying to gain respect from others because we are a ‘software engineer’ and ooooohhhh you are so smart (This was me, btw)


When we build from fear… we lose.

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The problem then becomes that once we start to climb that ladder, and we DO finally have procrastination, anxiety, depression anger come up, it makes it hard to change course because we have fears that we aren’t enough and fear of judgment from other people for starting over.


It’s really hard to admit to yourself that you shouldn’t have married a man that you don’t trust…
and that you shouldn’t have picked a career that you hated… (because what does it matter… You don’t know what you want anyways… at least you are making money)
and that basically your whole life… is a lie…


I spent 12 years with my ex-husband…
knowing ‘something was wrong’ but not sure what… because I didn’t want to see it… until my dad left and my mom died.
By that time I was so empty that nothing mattered.

And when you get to that point…
It’s quiet.

All you have is the truth.
The truth you could have seen all along, but stayed so busy so you wouldn’t see it.

And I bought a one-way ticket out of the country… which was the first thing that I finally did for myself.
Yeah, ok, it was running… but it also WASN’T.


There was nothing to run from.


Now, I have business goals and financial goals and I’ll hit them, but what matters is that I’m creating my life in the way that I WANT MY LIFE…
not saying no to myself…
not saying no to my desires…(money is certainly one of them)
not saying no to my happiness…


I mean, not many people can say they get paid for being themselves.
But that’s all I want.
I want to be me,
Have money,
Be healthy and have a great body,
Have a great relationship – first with myself!!!,
Be with friends and family and my amazing clients (which really are family to me)
And have a Soul that’s on Fire.


That’s it.
That’s all I want.

PS – Basil’s, my cat’s, looking like, “Oh is THAT all?”


It’s time to Flip the Switch,

If you want to talk about how to grow your business, make a bigger impact and make more money so you can fully step into what you were born to do,

And if you want to talk about how you can have a passionate relationship – with the love, the trust, and the intimacy,

And if you want to talk about how you can LOVE YOUR LIFE…

Let’s get on a call and see if we are a good fit to work together. >> CLICK HERE TO APPLY <<

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$10k/mo but unhappy at home? We can talk business, but unless you fix this, it won’t matter…

 If you aren’t happy in your relationship – I mean freaking excited – it WILL impact your business

I did exactly what I tell you NOT to do. I put my relationship on the back burner. I was so caught up in my career and then in trying to build my business, that I put my relationship last.

Well… to be really fair, no one tells you how to ‘do’ a relationship…

We kind of learn it from our parents or ‘parental figures’ around us as we grow up…


(well, people have started to talk about it now, but if you are 40ish like me… you’ve already been ‘winging it’ for a while)

I mean we get training for our careers and most of us don’t even follow our degrees.


BUT… back to my fuck up…

Because it wasn’t ONLY that I put my relationship last…

I got into a marriage with a man I didn’t trust…

I didn’t heal…

I suppressed myself and my needs…

I put myself last…

I shut down and didn’t talk about what was hurting me…

I acted like I was okay…

I told myself that I didn’t need ‘that much’…

I told myself ‘it wasn’t that bad’…

I was dealing with anxiety and depression…


And I stayed for 4 years AFTER I knew I had to go.


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The guilt was more than I could deal with. I didn’t feel good enough. I didn’t feel loved. I didn’t feel like it was possible for me to be loved, accepted and cherished.


And through all of that, the real issue was… I put myself on the backburner.

?I neglected myself. ?

?I allowed things that you don’t want someone you love to go through.

?I felt unloved. ?



?Not good enough.?


And then…


That pattern followed me into the next relationship and the next relationship until I figured out how to stop it and call in what I deserve…


Which came from learning how to have this relationship with myself.

Obviously, I am not a big self-love – world peace – flowy clothes – yoga guru…

?But when I could CLEARLY see that this pattern needed to be stopped (like an arch nemesis from a Marvel comic book)…??

And that my relationship problems were FUCKING UP my business

☠️And keeping MONEY from coming into my business…

☠️And FUCKING up my health by actually creating crippling pain in my body…

☠️And DRAINING my energy…


If my life was a movie, I was at the point in the movie where it looks like it couldn’t get any worse, and I was asking … “How am I going to get through this?”


TO BE CLEAR… I was LYING in the living room floor, with pain shooting through my body and TOTALLY UNABLE TO GET UP for 40 minutes.

finally chose to love myself at that moment.

*Look, I don’t know where you are in your relationship, if you are thinking about leaving or if you are trying to make it work or if you are just trying to figure out the ‘right’ thing to do for you…Or if you are avoiding relationships all together…

Honestly, it doesn’t really matter.

Your relationship with yourself is what you need to be able to function

*in your business*

*In your relationship*

*with your health*

*to overcome health, tragedy, whatever comes up in your life*

Take care of you and the rest of your life starts to work.

Watch on YouTube

Watch on Facebook


It’s time to Flip the Switch,

If you want to talk about how to grow your business, make a bigger impact and make more money so you can fully step into what you were born to do,

And if you want to talk about how you can have a passionate relationship – with the love, the trust and the intimacy,

And if you want to talk about how you can LOVE YOUR LIFE…

Let’s get on a call and see if we are a good fit to work together. >> CLICK HERE TO APPLY <<


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Just because you know you were born for it

Leaders – Just because you know you were born for it…
And just because everything in your life has brought you up to this point…

It doesn’t mean you’ll be handed your destiny.

It doesn’t mean you’ll get to impact the people who need to hear your message.

It doesn’t mean you’ll change the lives of those who you can help.

It doesn’t mean you’ll GET this.


It just means you have a choice.


We all do.


And most of us turn it down.

We walk away because we don’t see the whole path.

We walk away because we want to stay in our problems.

We walk away because we just don’t think we are ready.

We walk away because we don’t believe.

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I did this for a long time.

I chose to stay in a relationship that distracted me from what I was supposed to do in the world.

I chose a career that was safe – even though I hated it.

I chose fear over showing up.


It’s a daily choice.


Are you going to put off the life you were meant to live and the calling you have?

You don’t have to answer.

Your actions show it.



These are BASIC. These ARE possible for YOU:

You can be a leader in your industry, get your message out into the world and impact lives in a way that gives you purpose and meaning.

You can grow your business, make more money, charge higher rates, work with clients you love and be able to thrive in your calling.

You can have a passionate relationship you are excited to go home to.

You can feel good in your body and have peace of mind.

And you can have a life you love and makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.

Yes, you GET these, but most people won’t let go of what they don’t want to get what they were born for.


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My Perfect, Yet Soul-Crushing Life

Over the last year, I worked out my relationship issues – both with my ex-boyfriend and healing from the scars of the past. I trained for 9 months to compete in a bodybuilding competition, put on 5 pounds of muscle and won 1st, 1st, and 3rd. And I totally pulled my business out of a hole and revamped the entire thing.

I was thinking about all that I had accomplished over the last year in my business, in my relationship and with my fitness and because I had done so much in such a short period of time and under so much pressure, I created a foundation of what I really needed to have in order to radically change my life.


But to stop there would really be a disservice to you because, for almost 40 years, I was average.


I lived average.

I felt average.


Growing up, my dad was in the Army so we traveled the world, but there were years that we didn’t have enough to buy food. In school, I struggled to find hobbies. I hated sports. I really had no idea what I wanted or what I liked. I felt lost. And I remember being depressed a lot. Usually in the fall. Usually, because I didn’t have friends at different times. Moving made it hard to keep friends and to build those deep relationships.


I married a man I didn’t trust because he had cheated on me the first year we were together and in a career, I hated because of the money – it was safe.

On the outside my life was white-picked-fence-perfect.

But fuck. I HATED it.

I just felt the life force draining out of me every day and I would walk around with my head down and my earplugs in.

I’d go hide in the bathroom at work and have anxiety attacks.

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I didn’t trust myself enough to leave.

I told myself that I was afraid of making the wrong decision, but I was really afraid of being alone and if I would ever be loved again. 


My mom got diagnosed with cancer at the age of 47 and didn’t live to see 48.


Nothing makes you start being honest with yourself like facing death.

I already had this constant feeling of being choked to death by the fear of getting older, the fear time running out, the fear of missing out on life…

And there was a heavy weight on my chest.


It was telling me my soul was being crushed.

Living the same day of desperation was slowly killing me from the inside out.

My anxiety got worse every day.

I was afraid of losing all that I had worked for to nothing – a void – inside and out. I still had no dreams, desires, goals ambitions, visions, clue… nothing.

I just felt an empty soul-crushing void.

Too many people are living like this. 

Too many people are quietly suffering in silence.

Too many people are NOT OKAY, but keep saying, “It’s not that bad.”

And they feel like they are being ungrateful if they ask for help.

And then too many people are dealing with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts…

My journey was really about coming out of living a “perfect life” that was crushing my soul to creating a life that lights up my soul. Beyond that, the trophies and the money don’t matter because if you aren’t happy –

Nothing you achieve, no relationship, no career, no amount of money – will take away that pain. 

And then… we think we have no choice. We feel trapped. This is our pain and the thing we have to suffer with – or we find a way out like I did where I destroyed everything in my life or we find another worse way.


This pain you are in is trying to move you from where you are to where you need to go (Annoying, I KNOW!) But the pain is trying to tell you to MOVE. 

But here’s where the problem lies… when we are in pain, we shut down, hide and push harder. 

We punish ourselves for not being good enough, instead of moving out of the pain. 

But no one teaches us this. No one teaches us how to move out of that depression, anxiety. We are taught to shut it down and keep going. 


But you can have what you want. 

You can show up as a leader in your industry, get your message out into the world and impact lives in a way that gives you purpose and meaning. 

You can grow your business, make more money, charge higher rates, work with clients you love and be able to thrive in your calling. 

You can have a passionate relationship you are excited to go home to. 

You can feel good in your body and have peace of mind. 

And you can have a life you love and makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning. 

And not only can you have these things – You deserve these things!

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And it WORKED! ??

I married a man that had cheated on me, keeping that secret from my closest friends out of shame. ????
?‍??‍??‍?I got two college degrees because I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted so I needed that security, that validation.
I rushed through both times, not really meeting many people or even getting to experience college life – besides the homework and exams. ⏰⏰⏰

???I got a software engineering degree for the money – and DAMN did I earn it, paying for it with the crushing weight suppressing my soul because I wasn’t doing something that I loved – or even liked. ??
But damn.
The money, am I right? Soooo worth it. 
$200k a year ???

My happiness could wait.
And the anxiety? Eh, that’s part of it.
???I pushed that shit down.

I got my Mini Cooper. ???
??For Christmas.
Loved it.???

We got to live in Vegas for a couple of years.
So awesome. I created my first business there. Loved it. ??

???Oooohhhh… And you want to know how I got into fitness? This story is so good!
Ok, so before the money, before the second degree, before Vegas, and before the Cooper…

?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?Right at the very beginning of our relationship…
I was told that I was gaining weight. That tied together with him cheating… Well, I got the memo. ??
???Shape up or I’d be left.

So… for the first time ever I started weightlifting and eating tuna out of the can.
Daily driven by fear, I made sure I was fit.

???But he did leave me.
???I was alone.
But worse.
I was married and alone.

But I was fit.
And I felt great,
Except… emotionally…
But that didn’t fucking matter.
No one can see that.
I can push that shit down!

Except you can’t.
It comes up like vomit after eating bad sushi. 
And boy, does it come up.

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After about 10 years, my anxiety was so bad that I started talking about leaving… ???
Feeling bad.???
Like I hadn’t forgiven him for that ONE time.
Like I should be grateful for the life I had worked so damn hard for.

Did I want to throw it all away?
Was I mad?
Why wasn’t I strong enough?
Was I just an ungrateful bitch?
I HAD everything.

And my life wasn’t that bad.
But my depression was.
And my anxiety was.


My fear?
Honestly, my fear was coming from the thought of losing everything…
But no.
At this point, I felt like I had nothing.
I was empty inside.
Completely empty.
I didn’t even feel my soul.

I had nothing left to lose.
So, no.
There was no fear.

But when my mom died of cancer at 47, it made me realize that I couldn’t stay.
Time was ticking. I felt it in my body. I HAD to squeeze as much as I could into every second I had.


I built my success on fear.
I basically missed 12 years of my life because of it.
I got a divorce and sold my house because of it.
I was angry, bitter and resentful because of it.
I hated myself because of it.


Oh! YOU think you are doing better? You think you are STRONGER than me? And that you can suppress your feelings?


Because it’s coming up RIGHT now…

You are eating crap…

You are drinking…

You aren’t taking care of yourself…

You are HIDING in your room…

You are HIDING by working all of the time…

You are miserable in your relationship or staying single and miserable…

You are watching an unheard of amount of porn…

You are cheating…

You are angry and resentful…

And what it comes down to is… someone abandoned you, someone cheated on you, someone said you’d never amount to anything…



It just takes you being honest about where you are and where you REALLY want to be.



Back to my story…Fast forward to today…
I’ve learned to love myself and listen to my intuition.❤️❤️❤️
I’ve found that I’m passionate about bodybuilding and competition.
I’ve worked through my abandonment issues and relationship issues.
I’ve created a business that I love and I am truly passionate about.?‍??‍??‍?

⛔⛔⛔Fear and anxiety?
Yes. They come to stop in every now and then…
but it’s literally just a check-in…
“Am I ok?”
“Am I doing what’s right for me?”
“Be careful.”⚠️⚠️⚠️
But they rarely show and they never stay.
They just want to check on me.
And that’s ok.
We are friends now.

I love my life ❤️❤️❤️
And I’m grateful for all of my past, but I’d never wish that on anyone.


What I want more than anything is for you to start getting what you want now and to be happy – because it IS possible for you. 



It’s TIME to Flip the Switch!



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Stop doing things you don’t want to do…


If you want your business to be EASY, make the MOST $$$, and call in the SOULMATE clients…

or have a relationship that drives you crazy (in a good way)


You need to stop pretending. 

Stop doing things you don’t want to do

Stop trying to please everyone. 

Stop trying to be the best at something you hate. 

Stop TRYING to make yourself stick-it-out-so-you-can-succeed. 

Stop putting off the things that you love and the people that you love.



The little things make up the big things.

You’ve been putting off your desires SO YOU CAN SUCCEED.

This doesn’t work and will NEVER work. 


I KNOW you’ve been taught to buckle down and hurry up. 

I KNOW you’ve been taught to follow the system.

I KNOW you’ve been taught to PUSH down your emotions, dreams, and desires…

But the path to success is going to be revealed to you ONLY WHEN you start following your soul. 


You want clients that you are excited to work with? Be you.

You want to create programs that you are excited about? Do you.

You want to go from $20k months to $40k months? BE YOU TOTALLY. 


I choose to follow the money and security and be a software engineer. I figured if I could just buckle down and learn it, it would be fine. I would have the income and that’s ALL that mattered – 

because honestly my marriage was falling apart and I knew it. 

I needed to be safe. 

I couldn’t live on $30k per year as a single woman. 

And I could get my degree in one year (because I already had a degree). 

So I got my degree. And I hated software. But I had to FORCE myself to do it because I couldn’t force myself to stay in the marriage. 

So I jumped from one thing I hated to another thing I hated. 

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I ended up destroying everything. Because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much money you make or how secure you are if you aren’t happy, 

The SAME is true in your business. If you aren’t creating a business the way YOU want it.

If you are asking – “what will make money?” – IT WILL NOT WORK. 

Your soul will shut that shit down. 

Maybe not this year or next year, but it WILL shut it down. 



If you aren’t creating a life that makes you want to…
jump out of bed with excitement every morning,
create programs in your biz that you absolutely are in love with,
Calling in your soul mate clients easily,
make more $$$ money because you are on FIRE and get to work less,
attracting people that light you up in your personal life,
And excited to go home every day because your relationship is on FIRE…


Then it’s FUCKING TIME to Flip the Switch!



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